The Lessons of Spring

The energy of Springtime is one of creativity, expansion and blossoming. The potential to create something beautiful is everywhere. Using Springtime as a metaphor for personal development helps us to remember how magnificent we really are.

We have this idea throughout winter that come spring, we’ll suddenly have boundless energy to get out of bed and try all those things chilly weather held us back from – but the reality is, sometimes we need the motivation to get out of a rut and rediscover our true self. Next time you feel the urge to Netflix and chill try these simple tips to excite your spirit with springtime optimism:

1. Identify your saboteur. That inner voice that says “Nah, I’m good” at the opportunity to get out of bed. Once you do, you can start to see this voice as part of the process and can mentally reward yourself for ignoring it, and getting out there to do what you want.

2. Prompt yourself. Whether it be a quote, mantra or a picture, the next time you see something that moves you, pause and meditate on it.

3. Do it because you love it. Ignore competition and love the process of what you’re doing because

4. Clear out mental and emotional clutter. Allow yourself to let go of the past to make room for new things to come into your life. Commit to making decisions you’ve been putting off.

5. Simplify your life. Slow down. As life moves so quickly, surrounding us with the constant stimulation of the information stream, we need to find a way to quiet our minds and make quality time for ourselves.

6. Begin something brand new. Focus on spring as a time of new beginnings and resolve to do something you’ve always wanted to do but never felt you had the time.

What in your life is in need of growth and renewal? Now is the time to be aware, asking these questions in meditation, allowing nature all around you to be your guide.

Bloom. Grow. Blossom.

Bloom. Grow. Blossom.